
pub extern crate inet2_addr as addr;
pub extern crate inet2_derive as derive;
pub use presentation::sphinx;
pub use presentation::tlv;
pub use presentation::Payload;
pub use presentation::TypeId;
pub use presentation::TypedEnum;
pub use session::noise;
pub use transport::zeromq;
pub use transport::DuplexConnection;
pub use transport::RoutedFrame;
pub use transport::ZmqConnectionType;
pub use transport::ZmqSocketType;


BOLT-8 related structures and functions covering Lightning network transport layer
LNP transport level works with framed messages of defined size. This messages can be put into different underlying transport protocols, including streaming protocols (like TCP), or overlaid over application-level protocols like HTTP, Websockets, SMTP (for high-latency communication networks). Current mod implements such overlays and provides TCP with the required framing functionality (this variant is called FTCP). It also integrates with ZMQ such that the upper level can abstract for a particular transport protocol used.


Returned after a successful handshake to encrypt and decrypt communication with peer nodes. It should not normally be manually instantiated. Automatically handles key rotation. For decryption, it is recommended to call decrypt_message_stream for automatic buffering.
Error representing unknown LNP message type


Maximum message (packet payload) length for Brontide protocol
Maximum message (packet payload) length for Brontozaur protocol


Trait used by different address types (transport-, session- and presentation-based) for getting scheme part of the URL

Type Definitions

Derive Macros